Queer stories of bravery from places where it’s illegal to be gay

 Robin Hammond's Where Love is Illegal

In the western world, the sheer volume of Pride parades can be seen as a symbol for the state of queer rights globally. As voices scream, and sounds echo, an undeniable LGBTI+ presence consumes its surroundings and asserts queer identity over places and faces that have oppressed it. It’s a symbol of a world moving queer rights forward, just as much as it is a reminder of…

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Queer stories of bravery from places where it’s illegal to be gay
By Lexi Manatakis (info@dazedgroup.com)

July 27, 2018 at 05:51AM
via Dazed http://www.dazeddigital.com/art-photography/article/40807/1/queer-stories-bravery-illegal-to-be-gay-robin-hammond-where-love-is-illegal?utm_source=Link&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=RSSFeed&utm_term=queer-stories-of-bravery-from-places-where-it-s-illegal-to-be-gay