Why that story about H&M stealing graffiti isn’t so simple

Why that story about H&M stealing graffiti isn’t so simple
Another week, another social media campaign to boycott H M . This time, the controversy stems not from race (in January, an ecom image of a young black boy in a ‘coolest monkey in the jungle’ hoodie led to widespread outrage ) but graffiti.  

A screenshot has been circulating among street art communities, claiming that a lawsuit filed by the company poses a threat to…

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March 17, 2018 at 04:27PM
via http://www.dazeddigital.com/fashion/article/39393/1/that-h-m-stealing-graffiti-story-isnt-so-simple-lawsuit-revok-street-art-illegal?utm_campaign=RSSFeed&utm_medium=Link&utm_source=ifttt&utm_term=why-that-story-about-hm-stealing-graffiti-isn-t-so-simple