Ed Ruscha and Five Signposts of American Symbolism


Pop Art icon Ed Ruscha is famous for his paintings that detach words and text fragments from their context, setting them afloat in meaningful isolation. Using the language, fonts and visuals of consumerism, he cultivates the tension between notions of ephemera and art, elevating everyday Americanisms into icons. As he told the Financial Times in 2015, “things that catch my attention are things that are usually negligible or forgotten, or overlooked or denigrated in…

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Ed Ruscha and Five Signposts of American Symbolism
By Tish Wrigley

August 28, 2018 at 06:59AM
via AnOther http://www.anothermag.com/art-photography/11102/ed-ruscha-and-five-signposts-of-american-symbolism?utm_source=Link&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=RSSFeed&utm_term=ed-ruscha-and-five-signposts-of-american-symbolism