Artist leaves 15,000 coins along a canal and live tweets what happens

Artist leaves 15,000 coins along a canal and live tweets what happens
This coin social experiment has gone viral.

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A Twitter user from London named Jamahl McMurran tweeted a picture with this caption: “So my Airbnb guest and I decided to place 15000 2p coins on the canal and see what would happen…. #coinsbythecanal.”

The whole experiment came about when Jamahl’s Airbnb guest, a freelance photographer named Lana Mesic, couldn’t decide what to do with the 15,000 coins she used in an art installation.

So my Airbnb guest and I decided to place 15000 2p coins on the canal and record what would happen… #coinsbythecanal

— Jamahl (@JHM_UK) May 17, 2017 Read more…

More about Watercooler , Twitter , Uk , London , and Social Experiment

May 18, 2017 at 08:42AM