Timothée Chalamet plays a tortured meth addict in new film Beautiful Boy


Very beautiful boy Timothée Chalamet plays Steve Carell’s meth-addicted son in a new teaser trailer for the upcoming film Beautiful Boy.  

The short 45-second clip shows Chalamet (as Nic) doing normal suburban young person things – kissing girls, chilling outside – which then moves into a scene with Carrell, as the pair have a difficult, emotional chat, cutting away to shots of Chalamet spiralling into his drug addiction.


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Timothée Chalamet plays a tortured meth addict in new film Beautiful Boy
By Kemi Alemoru (info@dazedgroup.com)

May 18, 2018 at 09:28AM
via Dazed http://www.dazeddigital.com/film-tv/article/40089/1/timothee-chalamet-plays-a-tortured-meth-addict-in-new-film-beautiful-boy?utm_source=Link&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=RSSFeed&utm_term=timothee-chalamet-plays-a-tortured-meth-addict-in-new-film-beautiful-boy